AI in the Newsroom: Friend or Foe?


by Tyron Devotta

My recent article on Generative AI (GAI) in journalism sparked lively debate. A veteran journalist even contacted me, worried about AI replacing writers. My answer? AI can be a valuable tool, but it's not a journalist-killer.

AI: Not a Magic Wand

Some view GAI as a mythical problem-solver, automating everything and rendering humans obsolete. This misconception is not right. While powerful, GAI has its advantages. It can't generate truly new ideas. It simply rearranges existing information, lacking the crucial human ability to understand context. Perceptiveness, a hallmark of good journalism, remains beyond AI's grasp.

Human vs Machine: A Different Game

Investigative journalists unearth stories, not algorithms. Their human brains gather and process information in a fundamentally different way than AI. This human element is the lifeblood of journalism.

Agenda and Soul: The Journalist's Edge

My previous article mentioned "agenda" and "soul," sparking a conversation with a friend in Arizona. He argued media needs an agenda, “you use two terms I think are jam packed with meaning relevant to this ongoing debate - Agenda, and Soul. Should the media have the former? My response is why not? Absent agenda the Guardian in London or NYT would read like Wikipedia. As for this thing we might call 'Soul,' I can say this. In one of my experiments I asked ChatGPT to write a poem in the style of Maya Angelou's novel, "I know why the caged bird sings." Not only was it soulless it was perfectly punctuated blather. I don't see machines being able to mimic Soul.”

The Soul of Journalism

This is perhaps the most compelling reason journalists shouldn't fear AI. They possess a soul, a unique perspective that shapes their storytelling. AI can't replicate that. The future of journalism lies in innovation, crafting stories that resonate with audiences. Journalists must embrace AI as a tool, not a competitor. By understanding its limitations and leveraging their own human intellect, journalists can ensure their place in the ever-evolving media landscape.

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