by Tyron Devotta My recent article on Generative AI (GAI) in journalism sparked lively debate. A veteran journalist even contacted me, worried about AI replacing writers. My answer? AI can ...

  by Tyron Devotta The ink may still be drying on traditional newspapers, but some believe the writing is already on the wall for the old guard of journalism. Generative AI, a type of ...

There is a notion, a thought, a germ of an idea that is forming amongst some of my ex-journalist friends, that there is a need for a newspaper or magazine or some other media that should be managed ...

I lost my phone on New Year’s Day and I have not replaced it as yet! Actually life has been good without it. How do people contact me? Those who really wanted to got me on the landline and that was ...

Corruption or for that matter anti-corruption, seems to be on everybody’s mind these days, especially after Anna Hazare’s popular agitation and protest ...

RECENTLY an old colleague of mine posted a question on her Facebook wall, which said: "If new media is all the rage, how come people still invite only the 'boring old mainstream media' for press ...

Rupert Murdoch. Something needs to be said about this man who can be named the true media mogul of this day. If any businessman, Sri Lankan or otherwise, intends owning media, he would want to follow ...

Does the media – and indirectly Public Relations Companies in Sri Lanka – need a watchdog? Somebody to analyse what we write, what gets published and what is missed ...

I seem to be forever getting entangled in this debate between social and mainstream media. There is, increasingly, the idea that somehow social media could take a rank in position above mainstream ...

How effective is social media as a marketing tool in Sri Lanka? Can it be seriously considered in any large marketing communication plan? Not in my view. But to make certain, I picked up the phone ...

Way back in February 1983 when Upali Wijeywardena’s Lear jet went missing somewhere between Malaysia and Sri Lanka, I was a junior reporter for the Sun ...
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